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Strawberry Bush
Seeds are eaten by songbirds, wild turkeys and small mammals. Attractive pink-red fruit opens to reveal orange berries.

Fall Plant Sale at Pennypack Environmental Center
Native plant sale at PEC's Fall Festival and Arts & Crafts Show. Sales support education and restoration at the center.

Carolina Sweetshrub
Butterflies nectar at the blooms. Other insects also feed at the flowers, especially beetles.

Coneflower (Mystery Cultivar)
Echinacea (ek-in-AY-shee-ah) Learn more from NC State Extension. .

Threadleaf Tickseed
Easy, low-growing, and spreading plant with abundant flowers throughout the summer.

White Wood Aster
Use this plant in open shade gardens, woodland areas, native, pollinator, or cottage gardens. Notable for attracting wildlife.

Passion Flower
Ripened maypops can be eaten fresh off the vine or made into jelly. Showy flowers are edible, best used as a garnish.

Hollow Joe Pye Weed
Attracts butterflies & other pollinators. Perfect for a rain garden; has a strong presence in garden.

Provides excellent cover year round. This is a larval host plant for various Skipper butterflies and the Common Wood-Nymph. (NC Ext)
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